Sometimes my obscure tastes aren’t for everyone, and questions like “Why did you choose films like Critters 3 to represent the 1990s for last year’s ’90s Movies and a Six Pack’ article” abound. Sequels ruled this piece, as did horror movies. To quell the masses in the midst of a BYRT-style rebellion, here is another set of movies, ones that may be a better representative of the decade. These are matched with more craft beer.
The catch with the films in this article is that I had never seen any of them before, not repeat viewing like Pet Semetary 2. And it was hard to choose the last film so this six-pack actually has seven, more like a baker’s half-dozen. Without further ado, it’s time for 90s Movies and Another Six Pack!
Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead and Bissell Brothers’ Reciprocal

This Maine beer is an Australian IPA. Australia is exactly the place where the mom travels to when she leaves the teens with the babysitter. This is a 90s “classic” that along with these others, I have never seen before. Entertaining a bit, although certainly not essential. I’ll take the beer over the film.
Empire Records and Samuel Adams’ Winter Lager

No, this film does not take place in Boston, but both the movie and the beer represent the 90s in their certain niches. I certainly knew most of the songs played in the movie and owned the soundtrack, although I had never seen the flick before. The soundtrack not only represents the era but so does the plot, involving a record store, the grunge fashion, and floppy hair. Sam Adams was THE craft beer in my opinion of the 90s. Although I was not of age to drink, my father would always be satisfied when he could enjoy a Sam Adams at dinner.
Career Opportunities and Outer Lights’ Libation Propaganda

In this film, Jennifer Connolly and a fellow teen are trapped in Target overnight. This is way before anyone in New England knew Target by the way. This a delicious coffee stout from Groton, CT’s Outer Lights. It comes in a red can with a bullseye, hence the Target connection. Ah, yet another beer for 90s movies and another six-pack.
Clueless and Tree House Brewing Company’s Pink

You could certainly argue that this movie best represented the decade rather than Empire Records. My argument is although both soundtracks were equally memorable, essential for 90s kids, and full of “alternative” music, Empire Records is more grunge whereas Clueless is more valley girl. To me 90s = grunge. As far as the movies go, I thought Clueless was a better film hands down. The beer is called Pink and there is a lot of pink in this movie. Easy.
Hook and Dublin City Brewing’s Renegade Red Ale

Hook never appealed to me as a kid when it came out. It doesn’t as an adult either. The Peter Pan-based film features a swashbuckling adventure with Robin Williams as an adult Peter and Dustin Hoffman as his arch-nemesis, Captain Hook. Captain Hook wears red and this is a red ale in a red can. Deep connection.
Before Sunrise and Lawson’s Finest Liquids’ Double Sunshine
Full disclosure: I had seen the second installment of films in this trilogy, Before Sunset, where Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy meet in European cities at different times throughout their lives. I liked the premise of the second movie (not knowing there was a first) and enjoyed it a fair amount.

The first installment follows the couple as strangers meeting on a train (no this isn’t Hitchcock and a six-pack). Their one night of adventure in Vienna ensues. Although Double Sunshine sounds more like Care Bears than artsy-romantic, it does have “sun” in the title.
Fargo and Frost’s Plush

Ok, you can scold me on this one, it’s definitely a movie I should have seen by now but hey good thing for this article and the legions of angry fan(s) that gave me suggestions. I liked it; I could see the fuss. It is quite gruesome at times. Fargo takes place in a bleak, icy Minnesota winter. What better to share this beer with than a Frost?
These 90s movies and another six-pack take us from kids’ flicks to comedies to dramas. And yes, there are actually seven movies and seven beers. If you’re still craving more of the six-pack series, check out: Terrible Beer and Terrible Music: A Six Pack, Shower Beers: A Six Pack and Reggae and a Six Pack.