There is no doubt about it, breweries in New England are brewing some of the best beer in the world right now. Heck, the whole “New England Style IPA” is named for the area. Maybe it’s craft beer’s answer to Burgundy or Champagne? Should a New England Style IPA only be brewed in New England? That’s a question for another day, but for now, we’re sampling some of the best IPAs to come out of the region. These are so smooth that only alto sax master Kenny G can compare to the smoothness of these babies. Hence I bring you, Smooth Jazz and Smooth IPAs, aka Kenny G and a Six Pack.
Tree House – Gggreennn! And “The Moment”

To lead off the six-pack, we are starting with Gggreennn! from New England heavyweight brewery Tree House. Oh my God, is this beer smooth. They’ve taken their very excellent Green and smoothed it out even more, creating this liquid gold. Kenny G’s “The Moment” accompanies this beer. As soon as that sax riff begins, it’s smooth sailing. Grab this beer and “The Moment” and we’re drifting away to a tropical lake of Tree House beer, just like the lake in the music video (click link above). I just need a “moment” or two to enjoy this beer before we’re on to the next.

For a little info on Tree House’s superb logo, click here or here.

Vitamin Sea – Dank is the New Juicy and “Songbird”

Vitamin Sea may be the relative newcomer on this list, but oh man do they make a great beer. Their IPAs are way up there on the list. They’ve got so many amazing beers that I know whatever is on tap at this Massachusetts brewery will be delicious. Dank is the New Juicy somehow hits on both cylinders–super dank and super juicy. And just look at this can! It’s got a whole 80’s purplish color theme. Think Miami in a jeep, with the VSB logo hanging off the rearview. The beer has a slight bitterness, but it is just so smooth.
My only guess that in the tapedeck of the Jeep on the can is Kenny G’s Songbird. The track was released in 1986, reminiscent of the era on the can. Big hair, smooth jazz, just wait until Kenny blasts away in his sax solo halfway through the song! Make sure to watch the video in the link to see Kenny soaking up some Vitamin Sea, I mean C.
For more Vitamin Sea, click here and here.
Fiddlehead– Second Fiddle and “Theme From Dying Young”

This Double IPA from Vermont’s Fiddlehead may not be a classic New England IPA, but it’s a damn smooth double. It’s got more of a classic sweet/bitter combo taste. It’s also one of the beers and breweries that originally put New England on the beer map. For this classic brew comes a classic Kenny song “Theme From Dying Young.” Be forewarned, the smoothness of the beverage and the alto sax may cause a little drowsiness. These two are the perfect accompaniment for a little alone time. As Kenny powers through this tune, notice the citrus and pine flavors.
Bissell Brothers– Swish and “Going Home”

Although a KG novice before the devoted research done for this article, I’d have to say this track is my fave. “Going Home” is the smoothest smooth jazz I’ve ever heard. With a keyboard intro, here comes Kenny in full effect. The lulling riff of this track is only out-smoothed by the stylings of Bissell Brothers’ superbly, sublimely, smoothest of the smooth, Swish.

Adjectives such as soft and pillowy describe this beer. With just a hint of bitterness, it resembles the minor key sounds of this Kenny G song. It also fits the bill since when I’m ever in Portland, Maine, I will be “Going Home” with a four-pack of Swish. And that black can is just sleek! Enjoy the live video in the link above to find out what King Sunny Ade told Kenny back in the ‘a day.
For more Bissell Brothers click here and here.
Trillium– Mettle and “Against Doctor’s Orders”

“Against Doctor’s Orders” is a funky upbeat KG classic. Totally retro-sounding. With the tempo and blaring sax, this is as “metal” as Kenny gets. Maybe it’s no Slayer, not even Dokken, but Kenny’s out a rockin’ on this one and you have to watch the music video linked above. Making some of the smoothest beers, that I’d even label as creamy, you know Massachusetts’ Trillium HAD to be on this list. Mettle fits that description. Maybe it would be “against doctor’s orders” to drink a whole six-pack. So feel free to spread it out over a few days, but this beer is flat out amazing. It’s citrusy and smooth as hell. A Mettle and Kenny G at his most heavy metal is a fine pairing. Just remember, as Kenny says, “Sax is my life.”
Widowmaker– Honeymaker and “Sentimental”

Widowmaker, located smack dab between Vitamin Sea and Trillium in Braintree on Massachusetts’ South Shore, churns out some excellent beer. Their recent addition to the Pink Boots Society craft beer series is this excellent Honeymaker. The beer has such a smoothness with just the right amount of sweetness. And here is G at his best, with the alto sax curling around this song that evokes a strong sense of longing. Forcefully sad, as those high notes are perfect for a song when the film credits roll. The film’s all tied up, just like this six-pack. Nothing sweeter than the movie’s happy ending except sipping a Honeymaker while listening to “Sentimental.” Sentimental I am after this beer since our Smooth Jazz and Smooth IPAs have come to an end.
For more Widowmaker click here and here.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this trip to the smoothest of New England’s breweries all while enjoying the smooth sounds of Mr. Kenny G. Ah, it’s nothing like smooth jazz and smooth IPAs to set the mood right.