Well, kids, it’s retro day here at Backyard Road Trips. It’s also pretty cold out, good for staying inside and binge-watching six favorite movies from the 1980s. Sure, we’ve already investigated the 1990s, so now it’s time for 80s movies and a six-pack. From screwball comedies to kids’ movies to blockbuster hits, this is a trip to Video Galaxy not soon forgotten!
Dirty Dancing and Bissell Brothers’ Baby Genius

Yes, Maine is a vacation destination (it is Vacationland after all) but no it is not the Catskills. But nevertheless, no one puts baby (genius) in the corner (of the fridge).
Funny Farm and The Alchemist’s Heady Topper

Both this fine flick and fine beer hail from the great Green Mountain State. In the film, Andy Farmer (Chevy Chase) and his wife Elizabeth moved to a small Vermont town. At the local gas station, they better have picked up a four-pack of Heady!
Pee Wee’s Big Adventure and Area 2’s Twoquiza

Need I say more? Twoquila!
Follow That Bird and Tilted Barn’s Mingo

Mingo stands for “flamingo,” hence the can art. Big Bird is a bird and leaves Sesame Street to live with other birds. Damn, this collaboration is really for the birds.
National Lampoon’s European Vacation and Beck’s Non-Alcoholic lager

*disclaimer I did not know I was buying non-alcoholic beer
**disclaimer It’s Becks, so the taste is not all that different
***disclaimer yes I should have read the label better
Beck’s is made in Germany and in this movie the Griswolds find themselves winning a trip to Europe.
The Care Bears Movie II and Lawson’s Double Sunshine

There is no Sunshine Bear, but there is a Funshine Bear. Close enough. Anyway, Double Sunshine is not only a great beer but it definitely sounds Care Bears-ish.
On that next snowy day find yourself a copy of these six excellent films and pair them with these fine beers. Enjoy these 80s movies and a six-pack! For more movie and beer six-pack series, check out 90s Movies and a Six Pack and Breakdancing Movies and a Six Pack.