Philly’s in Norwich, Connecticut, brings the best of Philadelphia cuisine to New England. The restaurant, which has won numerous awards including the Travel Channel’s number one sandwich in America, prides itself as “A Taste of Philadelphia.” And a taste of Philly it is, as the cheesesteaks at this eatery give the best sandwiches in the City of Brotherly Love a run for their money.
Box Pick Time!

If you’re unfamiliar with the box of destiny, here’s a short summary. As a kid, my grandmother and I would go out to eat on half days. I had the idea at around ten years old to put a bunch of restaurant names in a box and pick out where we would eat. As I moved from Norwich to college in Boston, the box followed. Currently living in Plymouth, Massachusetts, the box idea continues.

Starting a “box pick” series for Backyard Road Trips, we’ve sampled cuisine at such places as Ole Mole in Stamford and even a slice of pizza at Big Y Supermarkets due to the box of destiny. Philly’s was inadvertently picked here. The actual restaurant out of the box was “Indian Leap Cafe,” a now-defunct mostly biker bar that once was where Philly’s is now. The name is in reference to the legend of the Mohegan sachem, Uncas, who leaped across the impressive Yantic Falls in pursuit of the Narragansett sachem, Miantonomo. Yantic Falls is a quick walk from Philly’s. (Eating a cheesesteak by the falls is a winning combo.)

Time for a cheesesteak!
Drawing the piece of paper with the words “Indian Leap Cafe,” I was stoked because I was able to have a favorite cheesesteak at Philly’s and review it for the website! (The first box pick was also a closed restaurant, which just took us to an empty parking lot. This choice is much better!)

Getting to the good stuff, my favorite dish at Philly’s is the cheesesteak. Yes, there are other variations including sandwiches made with chicken, provolone, and meatless, as well as french fries and hoagies, which are also well regarded. Not living in town, having a cheesesteak at Philly’s is a special event. Philly’s also operates a stand at Dodd Stadium, home of the Norwich Sea Unicorns baseball team. If it is open, I’ll grab a cheesesteak there.
The cheesesteak at Philly’s is perfection (and yes I’ve been to Philadelphia). The shaved ribeye steak, Cheez Whiz (like it is supposed to have), and mix of fried onions on a roll from Philadelphia make it a simply divine sandwich. They also have another Philly staple, the hoagie on the menu (the one place in Norwich that they are NOT called grinders!)
Get Your Phil of Philly’s!
The names of their sandwiches reflect Philadelphia sports, including the Barkley, which is owner Shem Adams’s personal favorite. He relates that the sandwich actually happened by accident. While in a rush he combined the shaved chicken and ribeye steak on the grill. Instead of throwing it out, he added three types of cheese, some mayo, and ketchup. It’s been a menu staple ever since. The name is in reference to 76ers legend Sir Charles himself, the Round Mound of Rebound, Charles Barkley, due to the heft of this behemoth sandwich.

Other sandwiches commemorate other Philadelphia legends, including Wilt Chamberlain, Julius Irving, and Kobe Bryant (although he didn’t play for the Sixers, he was from Philly and went to high school in Lower Merion, a suburb right outside the city limits). They use ribeye steak and imported rolls from Philadelphia, which are superb ingredients.
Adams is originally from Philadelphia. He was driving back home often for his beloved cheesesteaks, for none in New England could quite compare. That’s when he decided to bring the taste of Philly to Norwich. Norwich has embraced Philly’s but also Philly’s has embraced Norwich. Shem has partnered with Norwich Free Academy, the town high school located close by, as part of an internship program, and he works with youth football programs. As Shem says, “At Philly’s we treat everyone as Phamily!”

Go check out Philly’s, a Taste of Philadelphia, for yourself at 33 Sherman Street in Norwich. You can’t miss the bright red restaurant! In addition to Philly decor, check out the wall that looks like Citizens Bank Park, where the Phillies play baseball. Walk to Yantic Street or drive and park in the lot next to the Yantic Falls. This impressive waterfall is one of the most breathtaking in the northeast and is a perfect spot to enjoy your cheesesteak.