Norwich, Connecticut, is hands down one of the most historically rich towns in New England. With its roots with the Mohegan and Pequot tribes, its role in the American Revolution, and its preeminence in the prosperous industrial age, this is a place every history buff should visit. Along with established museums and attractions including Slater Museum at Norwich Free Academy, the Leffingwell Inn Museum, and the Yantic Falls, there is a new piece of historical preservation open to the public. This is the Joseph Carpenter Silversmith Shop located at 71 East Town Street, right across from the Norwichtown Green.

Although it has been under the jurisdiction of the Society of the Founders of Norwich (who also operate Leffingwell Inn), until recently, this building housed a law office. Luckily, it is now part of the town’s historical preservation effort that is open to the public. The Joseph Carpenter Silversmith Shop is a small red building with a gambrel roof. It may be the last remaining silversmith shop in New England. The shop is now a museum that features actual pieces of silverware made by Carpenter. The building is circa 1772 to 1774.

A look into this museum takes the visitor back into the 18th century when Carpenter and his brother owned it. It has been restored to be visually representative of that era. Carpenter also made clocks; one of his grandfather clocks is on display. Other artifacts from the neighborhood’s past are also here, including a cobbler’s tools and barrels from a nearby cooper.

Also displayed are nails and other remnants of the past. One major feature is the hearth that Carpenter used in his craft. The chimney has been uncovered to showcase this.

Paranormal Investigations

As part of the annual Walktober series sponsored by The Last Green Valley, I have led a walk around Norwichtown, exposing the legends and ghost stories associated with the historic neighborhood. Since opening to the public, the Joseph Carpenter Silversmith Shop has been the focal point of an investigation by local paranormal groups Arrowhead and Crossing the Veil paranormal teams. Arrowhead Paranormal is the home team of the Leffingwell Inn.

Maddox Coletti from the Black Crow Paranormal Team had some eerie occurrences when he visited this investigation. Unwanted feelings overpowered him as soon as he entered, and he had to leave for a few minutes. When Dave Phillips from Arrowhead put a voice box on the floor and asked for a name. An otherworldly voice said “Maddox” even though Maddox’s name was not known by the group members. Dave said, “What’s Maddox?” and the voice replied, “His name”! Maddox also witnessed a man by the fireplace saying, “Put the door back.” Ironically, the forge was just uncovered that very day! He also saw the spirit of a little girl while investigating the attic.

With the historical significance and the paranormal underpinnings, the Joseph Carpenter Silversmith Shop is one place you definitely want to visit in 2022. It will be open to the public in the springtime.

Looks like a very cool place to visit! Norwich most definitely has some very interesting history and the Norwichtown Green couldn’t be a prettier place to check out some of it! I’m not so sure about the whole ‘haunted’ aspect of the silversmith shop as I tend to be somewhat skeptical while also thinking that, yes, that kind of thing could be possible but I think the history would speak for itself to warrant a visit.
Yeah definitely, it’s a nice addition to an already historically vibrant community!