The Lowell Holly Reservation, a property of the Trustees, is another great place to take a walk on the Cape. It is located on the Mashpee/Sandwich line. The entrance that is open year-round is on South Sandwich Road. Since Mashpee and Wakeby Ponds are accessible via this and nearby conservation land, another entrance that is closer to the pond itself is only open in the summer season.

A Holly Jolly History
The Lowell Holly Reservation was donated by Abbott Lawrence Lowell. On the property is a rare selection of holly trees. There are 250 holly trees planted in all. During the late spring, the rhododendrons in bloom here are gorgeous.

During my visit, both kids were in tow. Sometimes my kids do wonderfully on walks and at other times not so much. The beginning of this walk was the latter, with Tommy, my younger one, being held much of the walk. Danny, my older son, was complaining of everything from hunger to wanting to attend his speech lessons afterward instead.

We had decided to leave for the speech lesson about an hour earlier than usual so we could take this walk that my wife found. Tommy fell asleep twenty minutes before we got there which led to a cranky boy when he got out of the car. Danny, for some reason, was just in a generally bad mood. To quote Robert Burns, our best laid plans did not work so well. We finally found the parking lot after our GPS’s location was not accurate.
On the Trail at Lowell Holly Reservation
From the trailhead at the parking lot on South Sandwich Road, the trails are well marked. The first large divot in the trail was great fun for the kids as they ran up and down. Meandering on the trails it is great to see all the holly. Outside of shrubbery and Christmas, holly is one plant that is not often seen.

The preserve has many unique features and includes narrow boardwalks and of course the pond access which is a highlight for many. This reservation is just one of the many incredible pieces of land that are under the jurisdiction of the Trustees.
After a while walking along the trail, we decided to turn around after tired feet and a resurgence of complaining. With Tommy flopping on the ground and being covered with dry pine needles, we felt a return to the car was imminent.

I would like to return here, especially with the flowers in bloom. It is a very nice place to walk. Next time I hope there is more walking and less flopping from the children. For another great walk in Mashpee, check out the Mashpee River Reservation.