Ever looking to find a balance between socially distancing and being able to get outside, my family and I have been in the constant quest to find the best walking trails in the South Shore. After exploring new paths at the Pinehills, Mashpee River Reservation, and John Little Conservation Area, it was time to return to an old favorite, the Norwell Pathway.

The Norwell Pathway begins close to the library and high school and ends two miles later near Gaffield Park. I’ve always begun the walk from the middle school and headed eastward toward Gaffield Park. During previous visits, our group would mosey our way along the path, making it about a half-mile down.

On the Norwell Pathway
Not this time! Starting at the middle school, the path dips into the woods and continues on a sizable boardwalk over marshland. This part is beautiful. The boardwalk is of sturdy construction and blends in well with the natural surroundings. My son enjoyed a bike ride on the pathway, especially over the thuds of the wooden boardwalk. It then empties out into a cornfield. We had never ventured past this.

After the cornfield, the path crosses Circuit Street. Here it gets a bit confusing. One sidewalk follows Circuit to the Donovan Wildcat Trails parking lot. The pathway continues as a sidewalk along Forest Street. We headed that way, passing through a residential neighborhood, with the path acting as the sidewalk. About three-quarters of the way to the end, just before Miller Woods, we turned around. My son loves to ride his tricycle, but going too far he often forgets he has to backtrack the whole way again.

I highly recommend biking or walking or jogging the Norwell Pathway. It is a wonderful alternative to busy Route 123. It can be used to connect conservation lands, the schools, and the library. There were certainly other people on the path but it was easy enough to keep social distance. I like to park behind Norwell Middle School on Main Street. There are plenty of other parking lots, including the Donovan Wildcat Trails parking lot, at Miller Woods and Gaffield Park.