Backyard Road Trips

The Twelve Beers of Christmas

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas and I was tasked to celebrate with a beer for each of the 12 days of Christmas. How shall I do this? How do I represent the Twelve Beers of Christmas? One suggestion was I drink twelve beers on Christmas. I did not heed that call and instead found one beer for each of the twelve days- from Christmas through Epiphany. 

With only one day to prepare and no package stores open I had to figure out the first beer. I was proud to have each day represented, with ten of the twelve playing into the song and only two representing classic Christmas beers. 

Now it’s time to sing along!

The first beer of Christmas that my friend gave to me, no partridge but a Tree-house. 

  • Tree House’s Green

The second beer of Christmas that my friend gave to me, a Trillium Krush

  • Turtle dove- well, Crush is the turtle in Finding Nemo

The third beer of Christmas that I gave myself, a female turkey

  • Mayflower’s Thanksgiving Ale – (hens are female turkeys too)

The fourth beer of Christmas that I bought for myself, four calling (little) bird(ies)

  • Vitamin Sea’s Little Birdie 

The fifth beer of Christmas that I bought for myself, a golden ale (with coffee)

  • Founder’s Blonde Roast 

The sixth beer of Christmas that I bought for myself, a geese-a-laying

-Goose Island’s IPA

The seventh beer of Christmas that I bought for myself, seven (or three on the label) swans a’ swimming

-East Rock’s Vienna-style lager

The eighth beer of Christmas that I gave to my dad, a stout-of-milking

-Mast Landing’s Gunners Daughter

The ninth beer of Christmas that I bought for myself, Sam’s Old Fezziwig

  • Samuel Adams’ Old Fezziwig 

The tenth beer of Christmas my dad had in his fridge, a lord-a-hobo

  • Lord Hobo’s 617

The eleventh beer of Christmas that a friend gave to a friend that gave to my dad, eleven Rowdy Pipers

  • Rhinegiest’s Dad (while watching the Royal Rumble featuring Rowdy Roddy Piper)

The twelfth beer of Christmas that I gave to my dad, a last Christmas beer 

Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight

There you have it, from here to Ephiphany, or at least Christmas day to Epiphany, the twelve beers of Christmas 2024!

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