What’s in a name? If you’re a body of water on the Webster, Massachusetts/Thompson, Connecticut border it’s a lot. When I was a kid, my father on occasion would mention a lake in Webster, Massachusetts, not far from where he grew up in northern Connecticut, as the longest geographic place name in the country. Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, with 45 letters, was certainly the most impressive name I had ever heard! The translation is, “I fish on my side, you fish on your side and no one fishes in the middle,” from the language of the Nipmuck tribe who lived in the area.
Lake Chaubunagungamaug

As many things learned as a child though, the reality of this lake’s name I discovered only recently. For one, many folks simply know it as “Webster Lake,” but the actual name is Lake Chaubunagungamaug, which translates into “lake divided by islands” or “fishing place at the boundaries.”
The name has been twisted and changed due to cartography errors. Lake Chaubunagungamaug seems the most likely to be correct though since it appears in initial town records. So why do most know it as a 45 letter behemoth of a word? That is thanks to Larry J. Daly, editor of the Webster Times who thought up this fanciful name of the lake. Some archeologists find the misspelled name and meaning offensive, as almost a play on stereotypical word sounds and translation of indigenous people. To top that, even “The Lake Song,” sung here by Ethel Merman has certainly a derogatory feel.
So there are two sides to this story. Not everyone agrees that the name is just Lake Chaubunagungamaug. They argue that Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg is the true name for this lake.
What’s in a name?

No matter its origins, the name Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg has been used in high frequency for about 100 years. This means generations of people know it as this name, unaware of its origin. The long name on a sign is a source of pride for Webster and has even become a bit of a tourist site, without any ill intention.
Officially, it is Lake Chaubunagungamaug. To some it is called Webster Lake, others know it as Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg (and are proud to rattle the name off of their tongue).
The lake is the third-largest body of fresh water in Massachusetts. There are eight islands inside it and it is divided into three parts, North, Middle, and South Ponds. On my journey, I entered Massachusetts south on Route 193. Right at the Webster town line is the green sign with the lake name. Further north, where 193 meets Memorial Beach Drive, the long name is painted on the Interstate 395 overpass. A plaza with the lake’s namesake is located on Route 16 and includes the restaurant, Bistro Eighty Ates.
If You Go

No matter what, the lake is beautiful. It has many houses on its banks, some vacation homes and some year-round. It’s popular for water activities such as boating and jet skiing. There is a public beach, Memorial Beach, located on Memorial Beach Drive. The popular country music venue, Indian Ranch, is located on its north side.
Long ago when I was just a little kid, my grandfather taught me the same meaning of the lake’s name as your father did so for me it’s always going to be Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg though I have to admit that Webster Lake rolls of the tongue much more easily! It’s just not quite as much fun!
It’s such a fun slice of CT/MA lore no matter the actual name!