With all of the craft beer posts on Backyard Road Trips (especially since day trips are harder to take now), a friend (thanks Andy!) reached out to me about Athletic Brewing Company’s Run Wild IPA. At first, I figured that this was simply another IPA that I should try, but then he mentioned that it is nonalcoholic. This could appeal to some folks that would enjoy a craft beer but would prefer it without the buzz.
O’Doul’s, Kaliber and St. Pauli Girl
I thought his idea was spot on. Reviewing a nonalcoholic craft beer would be able to target a different demographic. I was skeptical though, of the taste. The only nonalcoholic beers I had tasted were O’Doul’s, Kaliber, and St. Pauli Girl, which in my opinion were lackluster.
Given that it is summer, and if anyone out there is like me, on a hot day I have trouble drinking any alcohol at all. It simply leaves me with a lasting headache. So I set out on a quest to find Athletic. I traveled a whole few blocks down the street to my local Plymouth Craft Beer Cellar, and asked about the Athletic beer. Tatum Stewart, the owner of the store, said that they were pretty good! She doesn’t steer me wrong with beer suggestions, so I picked up a few cans of the Run Wild IPA.
Do Run Wild

A few days later, I cracked open the IPA on a nice summer afternoon. Like a field goal, it’s good! The beer is refreshing. It tasted quite frankly like an IPA with alcohol. If I didn’t know better, I would not have guessed that there’s no alcohol in this beer. It’s not super hoppy, but still has an IPA bite to it with an amount of bitterness.
For anyone looking for a nice IPA taste without the ramifications of a high ABV, try the Run Wild IPA. The beer is easy to drink and still has the craft factor to it. I could easily see having one or two of these while hanging out with friends. Additionally, as I always declare my Connecticut pride, this brewery is from Stratford, Connecticut.
Athletic has other offerings too including a golden ale, a stout, and even a gose! (I really want to try the gose). Their beer can be found in many area package stores. As the brand markets, I could easily see this as an after-run beer. Also, it’s been a popular choice this summer with pregnant craft beer aficionados that I know.