Three times a year my family and I would take trips out to Maple Lane Farms. In December we would choose our Christmas Tree there, in June we went to pick strawberries, and in late July their blueberries. While ‘picking my own’ a few years back, I was intrigued to see that Maple Lane had started bottling their own blackcurrant juice. Being a proud supporter of locally owned business endeavors, I gladly bought a bottle. Immediately I was wowed, the perfect balance of sweet and tart.
Fast forward to last year when I read in Norwich Magazine that Maple Lane started producing a line of spirits. Picking up a craft beer six pack from Norwich Wine and Spirits on West Main Street, I saw the Foggy Harbor vodka proudly displayed on the counter. Although when I imbibe, it tends to err on the side of an IPA or a saison, I had to pick up a bottle of Foggy Harbor. Its label automatically drew me because it perfectly represents the seafaring history of southeastern Connecticut. Its label depicts a schooner with dropped anchor shrouded by the encroaching fog.
While enjoying a Good Friday all-you-can-eat fish and chips dinner at Harp and Dragon in Norwich, I noticed their Connecticut Cosmo’s major component is Foggy Harbor. Given the long list of bars and restaurants the liquor is already available at, the secret of Maple Lane’s vodka is out. Although that evening, I opted for a Two Roads Road 2 Ruin Double IPA to accompany my battered cod fish (highly recommended by the way), the mixed drink did sound delicious. I figured at home on Easter morning would be a perfect time to lose myself in the harbor’s fog. What is better than sipping on a spirit while the rest of the family is rummaging through Easter baskets? As previously mentioned, my palate tends to prefer beer, but I needed to experience the vodka in its purest form, no mixer. After tearing through the bottle’s wax opening, I poured a small sampling over ice. Instead of being knocked out with vodka-scent, Foggy Harbor’s smell had the slightest hint of alcohol. Now for the taste, it was incredibly smooth. There was no bite whatsoever! Not only is Foggy Harbor perfect as the main ingredient in a cocktail, but this vodka is perfectly sippable!
I am excited to try Maple Lane’s other offerings including their gin and cassis. If they are anywhere near as good as their vodka, then Maple Lane Spirits will truly be Connecticut’s go-to spirit! Find it at your local beverage marketplace or drinking establishment!
For more information visit: http://foggyharbor.net/ and http://www.maplelane.com/